马来西亚出品 - Product of Malaysia. 各药店均有出售 - Available at all Medical Outlet / Shop

马来西亚地处世界的热带, 在长期炎热的环境中, 热邪 易侵入人体, 发生疾病. 同时, 马来西亚物产丰富, 人们生活富足, 海鲜, 肉, 蛋为寻常食品, 加之对饮食的喜好, 即中医学认为的“膏粱厚味”, 易於产生人体内热, 变为疾病. 再者, 随著生活品质的提高, 环境的污染也日趋严重, 例如汽车排放的废气的污染, 大量施用农药、化肥使致农作物有残留毒害, 更有少数可因误服误用而中毒. 有鉴於此, 清热解毒即成为人们治病保健的日常需要, “益宝灵”亦在此一需要中相应出品.


Yik Poh Ling

Malaysia, a tropical country, is exposed to how weather all year round. Due to the prevailing heat, people get sick easily. On the other hand, the people in Malaysia enjoy a good life of plenty with its rich resources. The heavy consumption of high protein food like meat, eggs, seafood and other rich fatty diet, resulting inner body heat lead to all sorts of diseases. Environmental pollution too worsens as the quality of life improves. For examples, car exhaust, residues of toxic chemicals in agricultural produce, are all hazards to healthy living. A preparation such as “Yik Poh Ling” which helps clear heartiness and detoxify is just timely to meet the needs of our modern people.

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